SUP foiling is one of the disciplines we had in mind when creating the Hybrid Foils foil assist. Being able to easily 'paddle up' your SUP board and catch waves is one practical application for the Hybrid Foils system. The hardest thing with foiling - particularly for newbies - is the start. So if we can help with that, and make it less hassle, then we're doing our job right.
Real world foiling aplications.
We've talked about eFoiling in a previous post. Hybrid Foils isn't this. That said it is still possible to mount your Hybrid Foils pod lower down the foil mast and take off on completely flat water (with the right foil). Riders can then cruise around under electrical propulsion. From a foiling development perspective it's all tangible, real world experience that'll benefit your foiling overall.
It's perhaps hard to appreciate how the Hybrid Foils system looks in operation though. We're working on trying to get more info out to highlight the benefits. As well as the fun you can be having. The pics in this post will hopefully give some insight to how the equipment works. But as always, if you need any questions answering or guidance please give us a shout. We're only too happy to help.
Hybrid Foils foil assist in use.
Here are a few examples of the Hybrid Foils assist in use.